“Why not go full 6v6 humans? We tried all sorts of combinations when prototyping The Yard, from 7v7 all the way down to 3v3. Here is what appears to be the answer EA is offering fans who may not be satisfied with this dynamic.
It’s all co-op, which is less than ideal. What it boils down to, it seems at least from the start, The Yard will have no player-vs-player concepts. I had to read this description multiple times and consult other experts in the sports video game world to ensure I was understanding it properly. If any of your players become the ball carrier, we will automatically switch you to them.” In game, you will always start on your Avatar, and your partner players will have a color indicator corresponding to your squads player color that appears under your partner players.
In a trios game, you will each control one other NFL star. In a duos game, each of you will control your own Avatar as well as two NFL stars. “When you are playing by yourself, you will be able to switch to any player on the field.